Desk Advisor

Why Decluttering Your Life Is Good For You – From The Specialist

Are you someone who constantly finds themselves overwhelmed when you sit down to start your work day? Do you often find yourself struggling to find what you need last minute? Which just ends up leaving you feeling frantic, stressed, and extremely overwhelmed? This article is to inform you on why decluttering your life is good for you

Taking the time to really discover how your desk can keep you stress free will not only help you improve your day to day workload, but also your health in the long term. Finding the balance between the holy office trinity; your workspace, workload, and health, is key to fast tracking your productivity, but also minimizing the overwhelming feeling you have when you sit down to prep for the day ahead.

Decluttering your life by creating a stress free work environment

We did some digging and we found the perfect interior designer, color therapist, and organization author, Sherry Burton Ways, a specialist when it comes to organizing your workspace for the ultimate flow. She has spoken up about the things we all tend to lack in our work environments, so many small aspects of our environments can influence our train of thought and the quality of our work. Referring to marketing research that has shown 80% of what individuals tend to view in their experience at work, shows that people work more efficiently when they’re in an environment they’re inspired by. Going on to admit that most office design is very uninspired, bland, and plain, which can be easily mirrored in our own work when surrounded by that kind of space.

While we might not be able to remodel our office building, we can take the steps towards customizing your workspace no matter where it is, to fit preferences and key elements that will eliminate an abundance of stress.

We’ve put together a simple list for you to follow when taking the first steps to a cleaner and better workspace that is molded for you and your lifestyle.

Steps to cleaner and better workspace

The Positives of Change

Before Moving Forward

stress free organizing desk, decluttered space

Why you should declutter your life and your workspace

Susan Kousek, who is a CPO, aka a Certified Professional Organizer (which is a real job), even states in a number of her studies linking stress to our environments, the importance of knowing that our productivity is so heavily impacted on our level of organization. Going on to point out that disorganization and a cluttered space bothers most people, even if you don’t notice it right away, it can distract and pull our focus away from the tasks at hand much easier than you might think. Cluttering and disorganization weigh down on individuals in a way that can be hard to pinpoint, but once you realize that this is most likely the factor behind why you feel so deflated and distracted, you’re in the position to make a change moving forward.

According to Harvard Business Review, a study was conducted in 2015 in collaboration with The American Psychological Association which revealed that over $500 billion dollars are taken from the U.S. economy because of workplace stress and related health issues developed because of that kind of cutthroat attitude. So many workplaces focus on putting pressure on their employees, putting emotions aside, and focusing on getting the job done, while that might work from the perspective of the end result, all that ends up doing is making it so employees have to eventually rotate and be replaced because of such extreme conditions. The importance of eliminating stress and decluttering your life in every possible way can make the work day enjoyable and controlled is the factor that will end the seemingly endless rotation of mindless workers coming in and out of the work environment because of stress-related medical conditions.

To be able to thrive, we’ve mapped out the exact steps to take when you’re ready to start fresh and revitalize your workspace for a more stress free atmosphere. and reasons why declutteirng your life is so important.

Steps to being stress free in the office

Enjoy a decluttered life in the office

Our final verdict stands strong when it comes to the importance of change in the workspace. Not only do we believe that decluttering your life and organization is the key to a mindful and healthy workspace that eliminates stress, but Harvard and countless other institutions stand with us. We’re human, mess is natural, but by taking the necessary time to make changes that will benefit us in the long run, is worth it no matter what way you look at it.

Recommended reading:

Sources and References:

  1. Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive –
  2. 10 Fixable Stress Related Health Problems –
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