Desk Advisor

Sitting is the New Smoking – Is it true?


Are you someone who works long hours and constantly goes home feeling completely drained, achy, and overall in pain from the long day you just completed? Do you find that no matter how much time you spend in the gym, a day at work and sitting at your desk will make your muscles ache and feel stiff? Well, nowadays, we go about our days sitting all the time, and in earlier studies show that we spend about an average of 7.7 hours sitting all day. This article, we’ll be discussing how sitting is the new smoking but is it really true?

If you relate to any of these scenarios, you just might be spending too much of your time sitting. Whether you’re at home or at the office, you on average spend 9 hours sitting a day! That’s crazy, and what’s worse is that it’s killing us slowly!

We’ve put together some helpful resources so not only can you figure out if you’re sitting too much, but you’ll also find new ways to jumpstart your day in a more healthy way, even at the office!

Are You Sitting Too Much?

The most common symptom you need to pay attention to when you spend your day sitting, the dreadful loss of focus and pressure aches. Have you ever noticed that by around the middle of your work day, after spending the morning sitting down, already had your coffee, you start to feel a pressure headache coming on?

Most people tend to neglect this because they easily equate it to coming off of their morning caffeine high, even though it’s one of the most important symptoms to take note of when you spend too much time sitting down. Not only do these pains in your head make you lose focus constantly, according to Matt McWilliams these headaches from inactivity can even make you have minor memory loss because of feeling so frantic and lost throughout the remainder of your day.

Being stagnate and not exercising your body enough through regular activity and muscle growth can lead to this detrimental loss of focus. A good way to keep active, is looking into a small under table cycling machine, if you’re always at your desk. By altering your schedule to allow for activity and eliminate hours upon hours of sitting, you’ll find that these symptoms will start to diminish. You could easily compare these early symptoms to those smokers experience when their health starts to deteriorate.

A few other ways to discover if you’re sitting too much in one day is to keep a journal with you! Keep a small notepad with you at your desk and a simple timer on your phone so you can track on an average day just how long you spend in your chair. By the end of the day, we can guarantee you’ll be surprised.

Risks of sitting and why its considered the new smoking:

Read our 40 health benefits of having a stand up desk, and why we think its a good idea for you to try change your lifestyle.

How to change your sitting habits:


I hope this article was informative and why sitting is the new smoking. When it comes to choosing a more active lifestyle that takes more time and allows you to live your life longer or sitting and wasting away, there isn’t much of a choice. Change your lifestyle and upgrade those bad sitting habits for something revitalizing and fresh, it’s important that you do everything you can to better your health. It’s constantly becoming more challenging to add exercise and movement into our daily lives because of our careers and obligations, but little by little, these changes can be the difference between a long and healthy life or the risks we don’t even want to mention again. While it might sound extreme, it’s a truth we can no longer afford to ignore.

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