LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk Review

Can you imagine being able to work and also get in your cardio exercise all at the same time? Being able to no longer carve a huge chunk of time out of your day to go to the gym, when you can do the exact same cardio exercises at home while also working, what’s not to love?

Unlike many brands on the market currently, this desk model isn’t just a stationary bike, it’s a fully functioning treadmill, ideal for those who don’t want to sacrifice any of the challenge that might be put at risk when you settle for a stationary bike desk.

The LifeSpan brand is known for their high quality products that help you put your health first and without sacrificing the importance of work and productivity. This company uses the highest grade materials and design for a very practical piece of equipment that is an investment for the future.

In this specific review we’ll be focusing on the Treadmill Desk from their collection, the perfect balance between exercise and work. With this workspace that’s unique and helps you be the best version of yourself, there’s no way you can pass up on this investment.

When you complete this walkthrough, hopefully you’ll not only understand this product better, but hopefully you’ll also understand what this product can do for you and your lifestyle. We’ll be walking you through all the highlighted features, as well as the benefits of owning a desk like this.

As always, before you purchase a product like this and begin using it, be sure you consult with your doctor first to see if this is the step in the right direction you need in your life. Once you have their approval, feel free to use this device as much as you’d like each day.

You Will Love The TR1200-DT5 If…

  • You want a personalized space: By using a treadmill desk you can easily customize your space in a way that encourages motivation and a health conscious state of mind when you get to work for the day ahead.
  • You want to stay fit and energized: If you dedicate time each day to use this product, you’ll be able to drop weight and get your work done without any problems. Plus this will keep you energized throughout the day as well.
  • You don’t have time for the gym: If you’re constantly trying to find time to workout, this is going to be the answer to your solutions. You’ll be able to get your fitness on track and also get your work done each day.
  • You want a versatile space: One of the highlighted features of this product is how versatile this space is, you can easily use this as a plain stand up desk, or you can use the treadmill aspect of it, it’s really up to you!
  • You want an easy to use system: This product stands above the rest when it comes to how simple it is to start using this product. You’ll be amazed to see how easy this product is to put together and get started using as soon as possible.
  • You want to be able to manage your routine: Adding this kind of activity and increased focus to your routine is a fantastic way to make sure that you’re taking care of your schedule. When you work a lot on a regular basis it can be hard to manage your schedule, but this kind of stability will help you find what works for you.

You Might Not Like TR1200-DT5 If…

  • You don’t see yourself using this for working out: If you don’t feel as though you need to constantly be on the mood and you feel like you wouldn’t always use the treadmill feature of this product, this might not be the best choice for you. You could just invest in a stand up desk instead.
  • You don’t have the space: This product does take up some space, space that’s not always available in offices or in the home if you already have limited room in your work area.
  • You have a hard time focusing: If you have a very hard time focusing on the task at hand, this might not be the best choice for you since it will be much more noticeable that you’re doing cardio while working.
  • You have balance issues: If you have a hard time using a treadmill regularly because of balance issues, you might find that it is very hard to use this product while also trying to concentrate on work as well.

LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk Product Overview

Review summary This is a compact treadmill, measuring 68″ in length and 28.5″ in width. The desk is spacious enough for dual monitors with a surface area of 38″ (width) x 29″ (depth). You’ll be able to adjust the height of the desk, manually.
Colors available Black
Dimensions Footprint: 68.5″ D x 38″ W
Desk Size: 29″ D x 38″ W
Max height 52.5″ in height
Desktop adjustment method Manual
Walking belt size 20″ W x 50″ L
Step-up height 4.6″
Motor 2.25 HP Continuous Duty DC
Speed 0.4 to 4.0 MPH
Max user weight 350 lbs
Bluetooth Yes
Product weight 252 lbs
Warranty Frame – lifetime warranty.
Motor – three-year warranty.
Parts – two-year warranty.
Labor – one-year warranty.
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Perfect For The Office

This product isn’t just something that works well in private home office spaces, it also works fantastically with modern offices today as well. The motor of this product is extremely quiet and hard to hear and if you’re worried about walking noise, you shouldn’t be!

There are 6 impact absorbing shocks that will tone down the effect of walking noise. Plus if that didn’t win you over, this product can support individuals up to 350 lbs which means it’s perfect for everyone.

The minimalist design of this product can really make sure that the product blends in with an office space without causing any distraction. You won’t bother the individuals working around you and you’ll be able to work in peace as well.

Plenty Of Space

The desktop is very large so it will be able to accommodate anything you’re working on. The desktop is a flat surface that can be adjusted in terms of the height, and it will also let you spread out your workspace, rather than trying to cram everything on a small surface where you can only fit a laptop.

Bluetooth Features

The treadmill desk has built in bluetooth, perfect for those who want to be able to keep track of their fitness stats and how long they’ve walked, the calories they’ve burned, and when they’ve stopped walking on the product which will halt the belt.

This makes it very easy for you to just jump on the product and get started with your workout.

Long Lasting & High Quality

Finally, this product is built to last, it’s made of only the best materials to keep this product functioning for years to come. It’s effortless when starting to use this product and it’s very easy to control how you want to use this product.

It’s also very easy to move as well with two built in wheels so you can move this product anywhere you want in your space.

Final Thoughts of LifeSpan TR1200-DT5

The LifeSpan brand goes above and beyond with this Treadmill Desk, they go out of their way to make sure that it’s easy to use and comes with an array of features that will encourage you to use this product every day.

This unique product is ideal for those who want to upgrade their lifestyle when it comes to health, comfort, and productivity. This quality treadmill desk is the perfect change you might need in your life to make better choices for yourself and your health.

Would you be interested in trying out this product for yourself? What are your thoughts on this product, we’d love to hear from you if you share this article!

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