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When you’re tired at work, your productivity declines. You can’t pay attention, and it shows. One way to help with fighting fatigue at work is to use a standing desk. Standing desks offer multiple benefits such as better productivity, helps with posture, and can burn some calories. But sometimes a standing desk is not feasible, so we’ve come up with a list on how to fix fatigue quickly.
Keep moving
Take a break from your work and walk around the building. Studies show that walking for a few minutes has a huge impact on improving your productivity and focus.
We recommend that for every 20 minutes of work, take 10 minutes of moving, walking or stretching.
Sleep well
This is a no brainer. You’re going to need to get enough sleep so you can function during the day. However, if you’re sleeping too much, then that can also be an issue too.
Some tips to have better sleep and fighting fatigue:
- go to be and get up the same time every day.
- avoid taking naps during the day.
- take time to relax before you head to bed.
Drink more water
Did you know that dehydration can sometimes make you feel tired too? When you’re mildly dehydrated, your blood volume lowers, which means you don’t get as much blood to your brain and your heart has to pump harder.
Drink a glass of water, and you’ll feel refreshed and it’ll help you quickly fit fatigue.
Exercise more
Studies have proven that exercising will help with energy. Especially if you can get a few sets in the morning can give you a burst of energy throughout the day.
If that’s not possible, getting gym equipment for the office can make it easier for you to do some light workouts whenever you feel lethargic or tired.
We also recommend looking into an under desk bike or elliptical which can help you stay moving throughout the day.
Get a standing desk
Even though this can be a little bit pricey, we think that it’s a great investment if you want to constantly stay productive and awake. This is one of the fastest ways to fight fatigue when you’re trying to get work done and/or on a time crunch for a deadline. If you are able to opt in a standing desk converter, then these are some additional tips that we think can help t0 improve comfort and ergonomics a standing desk:
Invest in a non-flat anti-fatigue mat
If you’re standing for long periods of time, especially if you’re working on concrete, tile, or wood flooring, an anti-fatigue mat would help with your fatigue. There has been reported health problems such as varicose veins, swelling in the lower limbs, circulatory problems, foot, neck, and back pains.
These problems don’t tend to be as severe as sitting down for prolong periods, we still recommend that you take the necessary steps to prevent these issues to have a healthier lifestyle. Anti-fatigue mats work by re-oxygenate your blood by flowing up to your core. The constant imbalances from a non-flat anti-fatigue mat will help keep your muscles in your shins and calves contracting.
Maintain and correct your posture
Bad posture can cause a lot of shoulders, neck, and back pain. If you currently have a bad posture, to begin with, you’ll need to always be aware of how you stand. It may take some time to adjust to this, but if you can constantly improving your posture, it’ll eventually be second nature.
Try to keep your head up and shoulders back (make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not shrugging). Bringing your shoulders back will help adjust your chest to be high and forward. Some physical therapists suggest squeezing your buttock muscles together, but without tucking your rear end in under pelvis too far or sticking out behind you too far can help with your posture.
Tightening your abdominal muscles (but only about 20 percent of your best effort, not flexing it too tight) helps with your core and will domino effect into helping you stay with a proper posture. You will get tired eventually, which is why we recommend getting an anti-fatigue mat because it’ll help with blood flow, and eliminate with your standing fatigue.
You may want to check out Upright Go vs Lumo Lift posture corrector.
Stretching periodically and keeping yourself mobile
Stretching can get your blood flowing to help fight fatigue and relieve any tightness you have, whether you’re standing or sitting. We often get caught up in our work where we forget to stretch or take breaks, so we recommend getting a timer to help remind us to stretch. You only need to stretch for two minutes for every 28 minutes of work.
You can also download apps that can help remind you to stand up and take a break. It’s a good idea to take a short walk around the office or go outside and step away from your work desk, or if you do decide to try some stretches, WebMD has 12 simple exercising tips for you to try. When you’re stretching, make sure to take deep breaths, this will help increase blood flow and stimulate brain activity (definitely very helpful to overcome those post-lunch sluggish afternoon hours.
Read more on exercises you can do at your desk to help with your posture.
Wearing proper shoes
Shoes can really make a difference. Don’t substitute style with comfort because ultimately your bad shoes can cause your entire body to ache. There’s not going to be one shoe that’ll be a good fit for everyone. You’ll have to do some research, perhaps consulting a podiatrist or orthopedist to help find what works for you.
These are some tips to helping you become more successful in improving your health and productivity. It may take some time for you to get used to these habits, but once you set your goals and mind to doing these simple improvements, it’ll be easier and you won’t need to think about it anymore.
Desk Advisor’s final thoughts
We hope that this article has provided you with some tips on how to fight fatigue quickly whenever you need to be productive.
One of the fastest ways that we recommend is using a standing desk which forces you to stand up while working (you can’t sleep when you’re standing). When you’re standing you’re also staying active and moving around.
Small changes such as sleeping better, drinking more, and exercising can all contribute to helping you fight being tired at work. Give these tips a try for a few weeks, we think that you’ll start having more energy and be more productive at work.
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Our team covers many categories to help you hustle better, from ergonomics to productivity, and technology. We are willing to ask questions (lots of them), seek experts, and dig deep into conventional wisdom to see if maybe there might be a better path towards the healthy workspace. We apply what we learn not only to our company culture but also how we deliver information to our readers. Ergonomic and productivity research is changing all the time, and we are 100% dedicated to keeping up with breakthroughs and innovations. You live better if you work better. Whatever has brought you here, we wish you luck on your journey towards better hustle.